
Genetic Obelisks

So, today I came across this intriguing post by one of my favourite X accounts ... Brian Roemmele. It was this accompanying image that particularly caught my attention. Below is Brian's post : A new type of microscopic organism was just discovered in the human body. You have trillions of obelisks living inside of you, and no knew till now. — Newly discovered organisms called obelisks are made up of tiny rings of genetic material. Obelisks can create their own proteins that are entirely new to science. The team named their proteins "oblins." Scientists are still figuring out what these proteins do and how obelisks interact with other organisms. Obelisks require a microbial host cell for replication. The researchers identified one potential host for obelisks, a bacterium that is mostly found in our mouths. This bacterium is known as Streptococcus sanguinis, and it's commonly found in dental plaque. It's still a mystery where else obelisks are found, what t...

What do you mean by the term "God"?

There are many 'layers' to the term God.  From the ineffable Prime Creative Force to  ... beings who create worlds,  ... beings who seed worlds with life,  ... beings who oversee the development of life,  ... beings who foster civilisations,  ... beings who exploit these inhabited and civilised worlds ... and  ... beings who protect these inhabited and civilised worlds from exploitation. So when you write or speak about GOD ... define which you  mean. When others write or speak about GOD ... discern which they mean. It astounds me how commonly people communicate at cross purposes without taking a moment to define their term, GOD. But then ... the Bible does a fantastic job of tangling these layers.

Differences between the institution of religion and the message of Jesus:

 Worth archiving for reference ...  These are Jim Palmer's words Religion says it’s about the afterlife. Jesus said eternal life is now. Religion says hold on till heaven. Jesus said ultimate reality is always present. Religion says to confess your sinful condition to God. Jesus said honor your true divine nature. Religion says to petition God to change in the world. Jesus said have the courage to change it yourself. Religion says God's blessing has conditions. Jesus said true peace and happiness are found within. Religion says the big payoff is escaping eternal hell. Jesus said be free from fear and shame. Religion says Jesus should be worshipped. Jesus said to live the truth he taught and lived. Religion says to blame Satan. Jesus said take personal responsibility for your life and world. Religion says that God is a separate supreme being. Jesus said God is the ground of all being and universal spirit. Religion says go to church. Jesus said be wisdom, compassion, and love i...

Judas the Anti-Hero

There's so much more to Judas than we have been led to believe.  It's where dark meets light. It's where someone agrees to be the fall guy, the scapegoat, for a greater good. It's about anti-heroes. Now ... who else do we know who is like this? “In the Gospel of Judas, Jesus teaches people about the kinship they have with God and about how to live according to the moral order of the universe established by God. People, Jesus says, have spiritual resources within them beyond what they know. He explains this message by telling Judas about the nature of the universe--that another realm exists beyond the material world, and an immortal holy race above the mortal human race. If people can understand this reality, they can fulfill their highest nature and understand how they should live now.  He explains that human beings were created following the divine image of the heavenly First Man, Adamas. To honor this divine image in people, God sent divine spirits to everyone, giving...

Another Kind of Human

This, what has now become an iconic exchange, is from the Sense8 series, 10th episode, first season: Jonas Maliki: Watch a flock of birds or a shoal of fish move as one and you glimpse where we came from. Ask how aspen trees feel trauma hundreds of miles apart, or how a mushroom can understand the needs of a forest you'd begin to grasp what we are. Our kind has been here since the beginning. In all likelihood, we were the beginning. What I want is to make sure we're there at the end. Will Gorski: If there's another species of Homo sapien, how can it be a secret? Jonas Maliki: Secrets are important to their species. Secrets are the center of their identities, of their societies. Secrets maintain their hierarchies. To reveal this secret, that there is another kind of human, one whose existence threatens the very foundation of their reality... No, they'll never allow that. Jonas Maliki: What is human? An ability to reason? To imagine? To love or grieve? If so, we are m...

The Mysteries of Orange

One of the more famous and illustrious of these Merovingian descendants is said to have been Guillaume of Orange (Guillaume of Gellone), an 8th century contemporary of King Charlemagne and King Louis ( Fig 4.8 ).  So if the Merovingians were indeed descended from the biblical family, then perhaps there should have been something very special about Guillaume of Orange, their direct descendant . As we shall see, that may well have been so. Ellis, Ralph. Mary Magdalene: Princess of Orange (Egyptian Testament Book 7) (Kindle Locations 2156-2159). Edfu Books. Kindle Edition. This Orange business is niggling at me, so I've been trawling my memory for hooks and keywords that I can follow up with. Boom! Mary Magdalene is involved. Ralph Ellis has written some works on the connection between Mary Magdalene and William of Orange ... the colour is being utilised to speak to those 'in the know'. Mary Magdalene founded the royal Dutch house of Orange? Is this an all-fool’s-day joke? Act...

Praying Orante! Style

Word of the Day: ORANS (also ORANTE) One who pleads/prays (Lat., lit. “praying”), the name given to the early Christian posture of prayer. Orans , a loanword from Medieval Latin orans (Latin: [ˈoː.raːns]) translated as "one who is praying or pleading", also  orant  or  orante , as well as  lifting up holy hands , is a posture or bodily attitude of prayer, usually standing. Orans was common in early Sumerian cultures: " appears that Sumerian people might have a statue carved to represent themselves and do their worshipping for them—in their place, as a stand in. An inscription on one such statue translates, 'It offers prayers.' Another inscription says, 'Statue, say unto my king (god)..." More is on the wimpypedia link - Do an image search for ORANS and ORANTE. Jesus also describes the prayers typical of others in the same way (Luke 18:13). Raising/lifting up/stretching forth of the hands. The only time Jesus'...

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