Jupiter Politics

Lot, the guy who escaped Sodom, was a child molester. The child in question was his daughter, an adult woman. Child can refer to an adult offspring. Dante has again uploaded an accusatory video and again removed it after a few hours. Something he seems to do on a semi-regular basis. Now, there's nothing like a trigger-word accusation to see who in your circle is able to do some higher level critical thinking. This is quite possibly a test by the accuser to see who questions and who doesn't. For better or worse, I do. I don't feel my loyalty to Azazael to be compromised. Having the inclination to read between the lines makes me comfortable with apparent contradictions and cognitive dissonances. Intrigues and manoeuverings happen in every court and in every hall of power. People are foolish to think in terms of black and white. Note that Dante has not accused Paul of being a pedophile . He specifically uses the term child molester. Pay attention. Words matter !!!!...