SongSpell: "Krigsgaldr" by Heilung
Krigsgaldr translates, loosely, as a War Song Magic, and has the intention to strengthen the spirit, bravery, and focus of warriors. This is a powerful song for the peace-keeping warriors who defend and protect their people from predation and conquest. The beautiful animation in this video is based on the prolific bronze age petroglyphs in Tanumshede in Sweden. Lyrics Min Warb Naseu Wilr Made Thaim I Bormotha Hauni Hu War Hu War Opkam Har a Hit Lot Got Nafiskr Orf Auim Suimade Foki Afa Galand What am I supposed to do If I want to talk about peace and understanding But you only understand the language of the sword What if I want to make you understand that the path you chose leads to downfall But you only understand the language of the sword What if I want to tell you to leave me and my beloved ones in peace But you only understand the language of the sword I let the blade do the talking... So my...