
Showing posts from February, 2021

Lair Update - 28 February 2021

YES! That's how it feels! It's not easy being inside an ENTP* personality package. It DOES get easier as you get older, though. Especially when you stop feeling guilty about how you're designed, and learn some hacks that allow you to flow through the predictable inner chaos. Yeah, an oxymoron ... predictable chaos.  But you know what ... they thought that about the swirls and whirls of water-flow and air currents as well. But nowadays the physics of turbulence is better understood. As I often say, if something looks irrational - or chaotic - you're simply not looking at the big-enough picture. This goes for understanding ourselves as well. And this is why the quest of KNOWING THYSELF is a lifetime fascination for those brave enough to undertake it. Okay ... so what's been happening that's relevant to Lair creatures? UFO's are becoming more frequently sighted, and the authentic videos that are being shared far outweigh the fake ones. If you're still on ...

Angel Clues - Templar Cross & Goddess Colours

Image This is a protest to topple Alexander Lukashenko, self-declared president of Belarus and Europe’s longest-ruling dictator. Red and White are acknowledged Goddess colours - as in the creator of our world. The (true) Templars are her special forces . The Angels are hand-in-glove with the Templars. Well, let's say, when Angels fight here on Earth, many do so as Templars.

Angel Clues - Hooked X

Does this image look like an official committing an act of violence against an unarmed individual? No ... it is actually a rescue. You will find the story source here. And this is an Angel operation. How can I tell? I see a symbol in plain sight. It is one Da Boss keeps instructing on. He teaches us to observe the media for such signs. Below is the media story, incase the link above no longer works in future.

Feminine Arcana - The Lessons in Paranormal Romance Novels

For decades, I have delved deeply and academically into the realms of mythology, psychology, alchemy, witchery, etc, etc, etc. However, it is through FICTION that these worlds have become ... well,   juicy . Juicy enough, in fact, that my * cough cough * real life has become infused with magical and larger-than-life beings.  While many consider paranormal romances to be entertaining fluff, I have found deep truths and insights in many authors ... Amelia Hutchins taught me so much about deeply nuanced world monsters and the Fae world, IT Lucas taught me how the old gods can hide in plain sight, and Stephanie Hudson teaches me about the ambiguous worlds of demons and angels weaving through the world of humanity. You see, much untellable truth is written as fiction for plausible deniability.  Another hidden-in-plain-sight secret is that women are enchanted through their romantic desires.  Whereas men - and academically inclined women, such as I used to be - can di...

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