The Truth About the Anunnaki (video notes)
This post will have a curation of notes that I take while watching this 7½ hour video from AllatRa. I doubt I'll be able to watch it in one sitting, so expect this post to be incomplete as I keep coming back to here to add more as I watch more. Note that many comments and discussion points are taken from Zhanna's AlienSoul28 account over on TikTok, so you may want to check it out beforehand. The presenter explains that the Anunnaki are human, highly developed, friendly, peaceful. They're here to help us advance and unite ... in order to survive the upcoming global cataclysm. Help us to develop both morally and technologically so we can start colonising other planets. They are the figurative 'repairman' of the universe. Zhanna comes from the planet Vamfim, an artificial planet that the Anunnaki created for themselves. Question about Nibiru ... Igor Mikhailovich explains it is Nubira, meaning behind the sun. It's real name (he looks at Zhanna and asks, "Sha...