It's hard to know these days who to trust. There are clowns to the left of me not to mention the jokers to the right ... everyone is twisting and turning. Creators and Destroyers. Good guys needing to do bad things in order to prevent even worse things. Bad guys doing good things as PR, and just to mess with us. External cues are no longer reliable or trustworthy. Which leaves only the internal ones. For me, the bottom line is ... who allows the freedom to think, to speak, to act? Even when you might choose unwisely. Well, allow might not be the right term here. So let's try that again ... Who doesn't impede, obstruct, negate, crush your freedom to think, to speak, to act in ways you desire to? THAT's what I watch for. Even if it IS a multi-layered chess game. 'Cos I'm in! I'm just as much a player, a participant, in this cosmic game as any of the clowns and jokers. I gave my consent when I chose to be born into this matrix. I'm here for self-mastery....