Okay, so this image came across my timeline on social media, with this info: Zoroastrian Iranian symbol on Achaemenid (Hakhamaneshi) Coin The Achaemenid Satrapie (province) of Greek Ionia CILICIA, Soloi. Tiribazos, Satrap of Lydia. Second reign, 388-380 BC. Struck 386-380 BC. Ahura-Mazda, body terminated by solar disk, holding wreath and lotus blossom Baal standing half-left, holding eagle and sceptre. Naturally, 'cos of the number of hints of Azazael's presence, I had to go digging. Perhaps this is another one of A's incarnations. Or maybe not. As this image is a coin, I found most of the initial information on numismatic sites. I've included some linked images below. Digging revealed a character called Tiribazos (also written as Tiribazus), who was appointed as governor over the Lydian region of the Persian Empire. This is the character this article will focus on. Now, I'm not sure which side of the featured coin is meant to depict Tiribazos ... the one attrib...