Faculty of Higher Management - An Azazael Project?

Have you found yourself wondering about this symbol that Dante used in today's (8 July 2022) video: BELIEVE ! (and have a great weekend) With the help of a friend, I was able to do a bit of sleuthing, and it pertains to a Russian Faculty of Higher Management. (Some advise me that it translates as Faculty of Higher Education.) But, no surprise, it's all in Russian. So it's inevitable that some intended meanings will be lost in translation. Sigh . Thankfully the Chrome browser was able to translate the website into approximate English, and I've cut and pasted sections over into this post so you don't have to go to that trouble just to see what it's all about. Note that there are no live links from the website, so if you're interested in contacting them or whatever, then you'll need to take those extra steps yourself. The blurb on their YouTube Channel offers this guidance as to what they offer: 9 stages that you need to go through to enter into interac...