I laugh whenever I create a new post. There is always the possibility that I won't finish it, that it will stay as a draft indefinitely. At the time of writing, I have 82 published posts and 116 still in draft form. That's a lot of serious up-catching to do. 😄 Anyway ... I'll make this post short and sweet. I know myself to be, and call myself, a Priestess. It freaks out some folk, but most are confused about what that means. So here's how it is. In a nutshell, I see priestessing as doing big-sistering but with metaphysical purpose. And for the record, I freelance. I am not part of a larger group or cult or organisation. A Priestess is who I am at the core of my being, not something I do because my parents gave me as a child into a sect that worshipped a particular deity. So ... what do I actually do? I nourish lost souls to find their path again. I inspire and enCOURAGE young alpha's to find, claim, and own their inherent power and nobility. Particularly the mas...