MAGIC, MYSTERIES & MISCHIEF || Esoteric Heresies. Angels are real, Gods are real, Aliens are real. The boundaries of Reality are not as distinct as you may believe.
Become MAGICAL in ALL things. Stop thinking like a powerless Human.
I encourage Warriors, Magicians & Tricksters to LIVE their Noble Cause. Why? Because Spiritual Warfare is very real. The prize is YOU. This is NOT a role play.
Social ... human consciousness: individual and group interests and motivations
Natural ... 'made by god' for the use by everyone
Intellectual ... knowledge, information, systems & processes
Productive ... goods and services
... natural capital has a completely absent agent or owner. It is said that all of us own the Earth, meaning that it is impossible to even, in theory, individualise the ownership and single out agents. This is the reason that various »agents« emerge that are in fact fake agents for they have an equal share of this capital as anybody else ...
The copyright system is a control mechanism for limiting human potential through fear of reprisal. The designers of this system are the same ones who claim impudent ownership of common resources such as air, water, land, space, planets, and the morphic field of where all pre-reality lurks, waiting to be potentialised.
Individuals are either creative or controlled beings.
Publish incomplete or linger in draft purgatory forever?