Lair Update - 4 April 2021

The last few weeks have felt like flowing through molasses. I've dropped the ball on my motivation. My apologies to my lair members who may not have heard from me for a few weeks. 

'Tis the season of family birthdays, including my own and my late sister's, and her children's. This is everyone's first since her death. Abounding in uncertainties and trepidations about how to proceed in this new era of her absence. As the in-situ matriarch, I carry the emotional burden for keeping others buoyed despite my own melancholia.

Which is why I'm going to go easy on the self-castigation and focus on building up my energy up again from the basics, including getting enough sleep and eating nutritiously. 

I kept my own birthday low key as it's only two weeks before Stef's. It didn't feel right to draw attention to it, as there wasn't really much to celebrate. No one in the family realised, but a couple of girlfriends wouldn't let me get away without some kind of mischief.

A crown fit for an Evil Queen, plus a course in how to be one. I like to keep my options open. 

I organised this gift, not for Stef herself, (like 'duh!') ... but for her family and friends.

Her heavenly address. Now we know where to find her <wink>
Southern Hemisphere Orion ... just to the right of the belt

I have a lot of neglected pieces to pick back up, and a cavern of emptiness inside me that needs to be nourished back to a flowing vitality.

Yes, even Warrior Priestesses come undone from time to time. 

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