Make A Habit of Sabbathing
As you are most likely aware, my personal priority in life is spiritual upliftment and spiritual strength ... far and away so much more important than the dramas playing out around us, which are totally of the material world, that is, they are about power and money.
Ultimately, the Karistus fight for our freedom to pursue our true spiritual nature, unhindered and untainted from enemy influence. Just as the Goddess intended for us.
Ultimately, the Karistus fight for our freedom to pursue our true spiritual nature, unhindered and untainted from enemy influence. Just as the Goddess intended for us.
Now, many of you probably no longer keep a sabbath of any kind ... a nominated day for you to replenish your soul and feed your spiritual nature. I would strongly encourage you to make some kind of sabbath commitment to yourself, to mark out some regular time to nourish yourself spiritually.
One thing that can feed you spiritually, if reading isn't your thing, is to watch (and re-watch) the AllatRa videos. They are available on youtube and rumble.
THIS is one of the more potent ones!
Reminder: The terminology may be a bit confusing for those new to these videos. It may be a result of translations.
Save this to a "Sabbath" playlist that you make for yourself, so you can revisit it anytime you wish.