MAGIC, MYSTERIES & MISCHIEF || Esoteric Heresies. Angels are real, Gods are real, Aliens are real. The boundaries of Reality are not as distinct as you may believe.
Become MAGICAL in ALL things. Stop thinking like a powerless Human.
I encourage Warriors, Magicians & Tricksters to LIVE their Noble Cause. Why? Because Spiritual Warfare is very real. The prize is YOU. This is NOT a role play.
Dante has made it quite clear, again and again, to the followers of The Cause that Freddie Mercury was a conduit to the public, through his music.
Even for the independent researcher, there are many clues.
Freddie Mercury was the focus of Dante's 4-part series called Alien HumanKind_ the experiment -Appendix 49 - "Killing Johannes Bulsara". Apologies, but this series is currently unavailable, but will be again in due course.
Farukh Bulsara was born in Stone Town in the British protectorate of the Sultanate of Zanzibar, East Africa (now part of Tanzania) on 5 September 1946. He would be 21 years older than Dante.
His parents, Bomi (1908–2003) and Jer Bulsara (1922–2016), were Parsis from the Gujarat region of the then-province of Bombay Presidency in British India.
Parsis are an ethnoreligious group of the Indian subcontinent adhering to Zoroastrianism. They are descended from Persians who migrated to Medieval India during and after the Arab conquest of Iran.
Zoroaster taught that good (Ohrmazd) and evil (Angra Mainyu) were opposite forces and the battle between them is more or less evenly matched. A person should always be vigilant to align with forces of light.
According to the asha or the righteousness and druj or the wickedness, the path a person has chosen in their life will be judged at the Chinvat bridge, and will be granted passage to either Paradise, or a limbo area akin to Purgatory, or to Hell.
When he was 17, Freddie and his family fled Zanzibar to England for safety reasons due to the 1964 Zanzibar Revolution, where thousands of Arabs and Indians were killed.
Freddie Mercury had a rare ability to use his false cords. Accessing the false cords to contrive his marvelous vibrato; in addition to his four-octave range gave him a once-in-million talent.
He also had 4 extra upper teeth which pushed out and made his front teeth prominent, something he was conscious about all his life. But he attributed his vocal range to this condition, so he never meddled with his teeth.
Brian May told Queen biographer Lesley-Ann Jones: "Freddie had written this song called My Fairy King and there's a line in it that says: 'Oh Mother Mercury, what have you done to me?'
"It was after that that he said, 'I am going to become Mercury as the mother in the song is my mother. And we were like, 'Are you mad'?"
There have been many theories about where "Mercury" came from. Obviously, the name signifies a planet and an element, but there is also the Roman god Mercury, the overseer of translators and interpreters.
Queen fan club secretary and biographer Jim Jenkins told Lesley-Ann Jones: "Freddie told me himself in 1975, that it's after the messenger of the gods. I remember it as if he's just said it to me."
Apparently, there's no official evidence that he ever legally changed his name.
As May explained: "Changing his name was part of him assuming this different skin. The young Bulsara was still there, but for the public, he was going to be this god."
Below are some of the alchemical symbols for Mercury ...
Hmmm ... they look to me like they are kin to the House of Aza of Zael.
Queen as Messengers of the Goddess
Spread Your Wings by Queen | Lyrics
Sammy was low
Just watching the show
Over and over again
Knew it was time
He'd made up his mind
To leave his dead life behind
His boss said to him, boy you'd better begin
To get those crazy notions right out of your head
Sammy who do you think that you are?
You should've been sweeping up the Emerald Bar
Spread your wings and fly away
Fly away, far away
Spread your little wings and fly away
Fly away, far away
Pull yourself together
'Cause you know you should do better
That's because you're a free man
He spends his evenings alone in his hotel room
Keeping his thoughts to himself, he'd be leaving soon
Wishing he was miles and miles away
Nothing in this world, nothing would make him stay
Since he was small
Had no luck at all
Nothing came easy to him
Now it was time
He'd made up his mind
This could be my last chance
His boss said to him, now listen boy
You're always dreaming
You've got no real ambition, you won't get very far