Cathars - a quick encounter

 The Siege of Montségur was a nine-month siege of the Cathar-held Château de Montségur by French royal forces starting in May 1243. After the castle surrendered, about 210 perfecti and unrepentant credentes were burned in a bonfire on 16 March 1244


For the Cathars, the laurel represented everything they strived for: deep love, personal mystical experience of God, freedom and peace. When they were murdered, they said: "The laurel wilts."

In 1321, the last cathar parfait Guillaume Bélibaste was burned at the stake, where he prophesied: "In 700 years, the laurel will become green again and good men and women will return."  

2021 is 700 years from the utterance of that prophecy.

I was born on the 714th anniversary of the Montsegur burning day.

The following images are by Airpax

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