Lair Update - 17 October 2020

(updated 17 October 2020)

It's no surprise that I'm in trouble again with my mentoring god. To be fair, he helps me to avoid Aza's wrath by keeping me focused. (See my previous update) And that means putting firm boundaries around my leisure activities - mainly reading magical alpha romances. 

What?! Don't judge me. Do you know how many decades I've focused only on non-fiction books as I gorged myself on learning and research? It's only since I've begun my own journalling process that I realised that fiction writing has become a skill I'd like to master.  And it's become clear to me how limited my story-teller's imagination needs to be loosened up. So my choice of reading matter could actually be considered, cough cough, research.

Anyway, regardless of whether I'm reading fiction or research, too often I use reading as an escape mechanism. And lose sleep because of it. When I went to bed at 5am one morning, it precipitated this list of restrictions:

Most people would be annoyed at this list of harsh restrictions, but everything is actually for my benefit. Sometimes he just needs to growl in order to get my attention and take his words seriously. I almost hate to say it, but he actually knows what he's doing. 

Rising earlier helps me to spend some time with him before the day's activities and obligations take over. And the carb and sugar prohibitions help my body to feel better. No kindle for a week (possibly two) and a savage block on Amazon and Twitter until the end of the month effectively remove my preferred escapes.

Yeah, I could find ways around it, but why would I want to? He is determined that my inner recalcitrant child will not get me into trouble with Aza. I fear this Angel's wrath more than what my pleasure is worth. His wrath carries real world pain, not just in realms accessed only by my consciousness. (I did mention that Angels are REAL and move around us - and above us - all the time, didn't I?)

Besides, I DEEPLY DESIRE to be exponentially more productive with my output, and begin building my legacy. Like throwing on simple youtube videos that - hopefully - contain some gems within my contemplative musings.

"Leave me alone!" Oh, okay.

To those ends, I've had to focus on strengthening my audio and video creation and editing skills. I suspect that's what I always felt to be too hard, and was the reason for my reluctance to dive in.

And because my reading time and option has been somewhat curtailed, I have, cough cough, nothing better to do than to actually get some things done. Like lessons for my course. And youtube musings.

Fortunately, it's not ALL work. I have quite a few leisure activities lined up this week that take me away from the computer. In the past, these would wipe out my whole day because I'd find it hard to focus once I returned. That is no longer an option. 

This change is internally driven, and my growly god is a fun way to self-talk in the desired directions. I WILL make a course of it. When, I'm not entirely sure. There's a few more Udemy courses lined up first.  The next one will be How To Keep It Together In An Era of UFO Disclosure. That should be fun to do, and will keep me busy through November.

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