Kailash: An Orientation
Mount Kailash—the Stairway to Heaven—is the most intriguing mountain range is the whole of Himalayas. Mount Kailash is 22,000 ft from the Tibetan Plateau, which is largely considered to be inaccessible.
It is also known as Kangrinboqe, which means Holy Mountain in Tibetan.
Both geography and mythology play roles in the sacred significance of Mount Kailash.
Kila+ Asa is Kailash. Kila is really and Asa is seat, hope, desire, space, and region.
Kailash is a particular form of temple, mountain peak in Himalaya. It also means “crystal,” the 'Treasure or Saint of Snow Mountain' and is a “precious jewel of snows.” The kingdom of Shiva is an entire complex of smaller pyramids, a hundred in total. This world pillar is mysterious mountains in the world, all earthly forces of power and greed forever sealed, and knowledge kept hidden. The universe is made of many such worlds.
In the book ‘Yoga, Enlightenment and Perfection’ the Swamiji himself has stated that the night he took Sanyasam at his thirteenth year, he had a dream. “I found myself on the amazingly scenic summit of a tall, Ice clad Mountain... Though the mountain was icy I felt no cold. In front of me, I saw a huge crystal Shiva Linga... suddenly there was a great flash of light and from the Linga Lord Shiva manifested. The lord had one face and two arms”. The hill referred in this dream is of course Kailash and the crystal Linga refers to the crystal mount, which is again Mt. Kailash. He liberated while alive. Very few get to even hear of such a state and after hearing about it a much smaller fraction can comprehend it. To understand such a mindset requires a dimensional change in the manner of attitudes.
Mount Kailash is believed to be the Axis Mundi aka the cosmic axis, world axis, world pillar, centre of the world, the world tree. It is the point where heaven meets earth.
The kingdom of Shiva possesses a subtle magnetic vibration of a supremely high order. It is a mountain of solid gold shining as brilliantly as fire. It is of 21,778 feet high. It is square with four sides larger at the top than at the bottom. It surrounded by these eight mountains. On the southern side of Mount Meru are two mountains named Kailash and Karavira, which extend east and west for 144,000 miles, and on the northern side, extending for the same distance east and west, are two mountains named Trisrnga and Makara. The width and height of all these mountains is 16,000 miles. On the eastern side of Mount Meru are Jathara and Devacuta, which extend to the north and south for 144,000 miles. Similarly, on the western side two mountains are Pavana and Pariyatra, which also extend north and south for the same distance.
The area around this great mountain is the source of four life-giving rivers; the Indus, Brahmaputra, Sutlej and Karnali, which is a major tributary of India’s sacred Ganges, begin here.
Its four sides are made of four different precious substances: the south of lapis-lazuli, the west of ruby, the north of gold and the east of crystal and the southern side of Mount Meru is blue, this explains why the seas around and the sky above us are blue. The shine of the blue lapis-lazuli reflects on the marine waters in front. Each of Mount Kailash's faces reflects different moods. The southern face fully covered with snow It reflects majesty or splendour. The shadow cast by the rocky outcrops on it draws a huge swastika, the seat of all power.
According to some, Mount Kailash is identified with the mythic Mount Meru (or Sumeru). [Loka's note: link with SUMER/SUMERIA?] Adding the prefix su-, results in the meaning "excellent Meru" or "wonderful Meru"
According to Buddhist cosmology, Mount Meru (or Sumeru) is at the centre of the world.
Trekking all the way up to the peak of Mount Kailash is held to be a forbidden act among Hindus for the fear of trespassing the sanctity of the mountain and disturbing the divine energies residing there. As per a Tibetan lore, a monk named Milarepa once ventured far enough to reach the top of Mount Meru. When he returned, he forewarned everyone to avoid bothering the God resting high up in the peak.
And then there's this ...
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The above picture shown was taken recently by a Tibetan named Zohur Uddin. A man was photographing Mount Kailash in the south of the Tibetan Plateau and suddenly "caught" something strange with the camera. On one of the frames, a huge and perfectly even round hole was captured on the side of the mountain!