UFO's in Old Paintings

This post will simply be a collection of images with artists' names and other relevant info. But no commentary. That will happen elsewhere.

I'll add to it as such paintings cross my attention.

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The Miracle of the Snow by Masolino da Panicale, circa 1423.
See larger image here

The Baptism of Christ by Aert De Gelder circa 1710

Fresco in Svetishoveil Cathedral (Georgia, Russia) by unknown artist, circa 1600's

The Annunciation with Saint Emidius by Carlo Crivelli, circa1486
Go here for a magnified rendition.

Crucifixion of Christ by unknown artist, circa 1350
For a magnified image, go here.

Madonna and Child with Infant St John the Baptist
 by Jacopo del Sellaio, circa 1485
Go here for a magnified image.

Bacchus and Ariadne by Luca Giordano 

Another piece with the same theme and same circle of lights by the same artist.
The Triumph of Bacchus with Ariadne by Luca Giordano, circa 1682
See a larger image here.


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